Leadership Training: Surviving and Thriving
Coping with Your Children’s Behavioral Health Needs
- Effectively cope with their child’s behavioral health needs while managing their own wellness.
- Identify the stages of acceptance.
- Recognize different parenting styles.
- Manage power and control with positive parenting skills.
- Embrace the importance of personal wellness
- Enhance leadership and advocacy skills.
Leadership Training: Beyond Surviving and Thriving
Helping Families Find their Way
- Identify their own personal strengths.
- State the role and expectations of volunteers.
- Discuss volunteer policies and procedures.
- Recognize the importance of confidentiality.
- Support and others through Family Support Networks and Co-Facilitate Family Support Networks.
- Communicate effectively with others.
- Develop a supportive community of parents within the FFSC.
- Expand the capacity of volunteers as change agents.
- State what family and youth driven support is and what it is not.
- List resources within the community available to support families.

Wellness Recovery Action Plan
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) program is an evidence-based, manualized group intervention for symptom and illness management for people with mental health disorders. WRAP guides participants through the process of identifying and understanding their personal wellness resources and then helps them develop an individualized plan to use these resources daily.
Wrap Goals:
- Teach participants how to implement the key concepts of recovery (hope, personal responsibility, education, self-advocacy, and support) in their day-today lives.
- Help participants organize a list of their wellness tools such as activities they can use to help themselves feel better when they are experiencing mental health difficulties and to prevent theses difficulties from arising.
- Assist participants in creating a crisis plan that guides the involvement of family members or supporters when they can no longer take appropriate actions on their own behalf.
- Help participants develop an individualized post-crisis plan for use as the mental health difficulty subsides and promote a return to wellness.
WRAP groups are for families, youth and kids range in size from 8-15 participants and are led by two trained co-facilitators. Participants sometimes choose to continue meeting after WRAP plans.

Family and Youth Voice
The purpose of Family and Youth Voice is to:
- Embrace the concept of shared power and collaboration in decision-making.
- Respect the knowledge and experience of service providers.
- Recognize the responsibilities of service providers, families and youth.
- Understand the role of an advocate and the importance of advocating.

Parent Peer Support Provider Training
The goal of Parent Peer Support Provider Institute is to equip family members and caregivers with the skills needed to effectively assist other families who can benefit from their lived experience. Receiving one-on-one support and assistance from other caregivers who have navigated various systems for their own child and families’ needs is extremely beneficial to families seeking services and support.
This training will set a sound foundation for Parent Peer Support Providers in targeted areas such as:
- Building family strengths
- Leadership
- Responsibility
- Communication
- Resources
- Systems
- Behavioral health and treatment

Youth Mental Health First Aid
The Youth Mental Health First Aid education program teaches adults how to respond, deescalate and stabilize a young person in experiencing a mental health problem or crisis.
The goal is to help support an individual until appropriate professional help arrives using a 5-step action plan. Participants also learn:
- Risk factors and warning signs for mental health and substance use problems.
- Engage in experiential activities that increase awareness of impact.
- Learn about evidence-supported treatment and self-help strategies.

Annual Summer Retreat
The Family and Youth Summer Retreat provides training, technical assistance, and networking opportunities to empower family members/caregivers of youth and young adults with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs and/or substance use challenges. Every year, we seek attendees who have expressed an interest in “giving back” to other families through peer support provider services.
We also seek individuals who are ready to advocate for the needs of the children and youth in the state of South Carolina. Those who have benefited from our services and want to become more empowered are also encouraged to attend the Family and Youth Summer Retreat every year in June.

Contact Information
810 Dutch Square Blvd. Suite 486
Columbia, SC 29210
866-779-0402 – Toll Free
803-772-5212 – Fax